1: In Ten Words or Less, Describe Your Blog:
Independent horror conservatism with bits of heavy metal and schlock.
2: During What Cinematic Era Where you Born?
The Video Nasty Era (Mid 80s) where great films ruled the silver screen and VHS-BETA was king!
3: The Carrie Compatibility Question:
Sue Snell or Chris Hargensen, who would you take to the prom?
I would not go to that prom!
4: You have been given an ungodly amount of money, and total control of a major motion picture studio - what would your dream Horror project be?
I would give all the money to George Romero so he can make any film he would like to make. That would be my dream x millions!
5: What horror film "franchise" that others have embraced, left you cold?
Numerous franchises have turned me off. More notable ones include: F13th, NoES, Scream, etc...Pointless slasher stupidity...although NoES has a very unique character in Freddy--the schlock tends to get old.
6: Is Michael Bay the Antichrist?
No, Barack Obama is the Antichrist...Bay is a misguided former hairdresser turned producer. That alone should let you know that anything he touches will turn flaccid.
7: Dracula, The Wolf Man, The Frankenstein Monster - which one of these classic villains scares you, and why?
Well, Dracula's weaknesses are many and I would have no problem dispatching him in any of the easier ways to snuff him.
The Frankenstein Monster was misguided and more of a giant child who could be bought with a rattle or decapitated head of a child so he shouldn't be a problem.
Its the damn Wolfman that would scare the shit out of me. Silver bullets? Who that hell manufactures and sells silver bullets? This guys would tear apart anything with a few strokes of the mandibles. Horrifying! Chaney is God!
8: Tell me about a scene from a NON HORROR Film that scares the crap out of you:
It would have to be the Russian Roulette scene from The Deer Hunter. Beautifully crafted scene with the tension of a thousand rubber bands wrapped around Lloyd Kaufman's pelvic area. Those that laugh know what I'm talking about.
9: Baby Jane Hudson invites you over to her house for lunch. What do you bring?
A Wrap it Up Box cause if the bitch starts any funny shit I'm gunna wrap that crazy bird up!
10: So, between you and me, do you have any ulterior motives for blogging?
Its my way to free associate. I could care less if anyone reads. This blog pertains to me and me only. Its an open dialect of who I am.
11: What would you have brought to Rosemary Woodhouse's baby shower?
I'd bring Reagan over from The Exorcist movie to show her that she doesn't have it all that bad!
12: Godzilla vs The Cloverfield Monster, who wins?
Without question! Godzilla would smash on this unforeseen hunk of mess!
13: If you found out that Rob Zombie was reading your blog, what would you post in hopes that he read it?
Your lame.
14: What is your favorite NON HORROR FILM, and why?
I have too many to list, but one that really has been circulating with me is BLUE VELVET. Dennis Hopper was a gift to film and he was misunderstood and heavily disregarded by many. Blue Velvet is a pinnacle of amazing character depth and realization for Hopper. RIP maestro!
15: If blogging technology did not exist, what would you be doing?
Writing writing and writing! I would probably have my short collection of stories and poetry published already!
*thanks to Pax Romano of Billy Loves Stu for creating this meme.